Transcription* of
Alexander Wiley
Revolutionary War Pension File (S.3555)
Pension Application of Alexander Wiley
NARA, Revolutionary War Pension Application S3555
Wiley, Alexander
Service in NC
S3555 carded
East Tennessee
Alexander Wiley
Of Anderson Co. in the State of Tennessee
Who was a private in the company commanded
By Captain Atkinson of the regiment commanded
By Col. Folsom in the N. Carolina
Line for 9 months & 13 days
Inscribed on the Roll of East Tennessee
At the rate of 31 Dollars 66 cents per annum,
To commence on the 4th day of March 1831
Certificate of Pension issued the 26th day of July
1833 and sent to Hugh Barton, Clinton
Arrears to the 4th of March 63.32
Semi-anl. Allowance ending 4 Sept 15.83
Revolutionary Claim,
Act June 7, 1832
Recorded by Danl Boyd, Clerk,
Book 6 Vol. 7 Page 66
State of Tennessee
Anderson County
On this 8th day of September 1832 personally appeared before me John Chiles one of the acting Justices of the Peace for said County Alexander Wiley a resident of the State and County aforesaid aged Seventy eight years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832.
Viz. he volunteered under Captain Atkinson in the year 1776 and was attached to a redgement of Militia commanded by Col. Folsom and served six months in the army of the United States under the above named officers that he entered the service in Orrange in the State of Northcarolina and marched to Cross Creek now called Fayetteville in the said state that he marched through Hillsborough crossed Hay River Deep and Little Rivers on his way and served out the six months in Cumberland and the adjoining Counties and returned home about the last of November or the first of December and then received a discharge from Capt. Atkinson which is lost or misplaced so that he cannot find it and also in the year 1781 he again volunteered under Captain William Sanders for a tour of three months and was attached to a redgment of Militia under the Command of Col. William Moore who had raised some troops for the purpose of Meeting Corn Wallis when on his way from the south---
That he entered the service in Guilford County and State of North Carolina and served there about three weeks and was ordered home by Col. Moore to shoe horses for the army at his own shop and do black smith work for the neighborhood who was then destitute of a workman. The remainder of the troop remained in Gilford County and there about til after battle of Gilford but he cannot now find his discharge - and some time in the summer of 1781 he was drafted to go south for purpose of supprising the British and Tories but was ordered to the public shop by Col. William Moore to do blacksmith work for the army of the United States that he worked in Caswel County and State of Northcarolina one part of his time and was then ordered to Gilford County in said state that he worked under the direction of Quarter Master John Rutherford for the turm of three months and was discharged by the said Rutherford in the County of Gilford and state of Northcarolina but has lost or misplaced this discharge also so that he cannot find it.
He hereby relinquishes every claim to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name has not been enrolled heretofore as a pentioner of any agency in any state
Sworn and subscribed before me the day and year aforesaid.
John Chiles (signed)
Alexander Wiley (signed)
I do hereby certify that the above named Applicant Alexander Wiley was in my opinion a soldier of the Revolution and served as he states and do further certify that he is unable from bodily infirmity to attend court.
John Chiles (signed)
Acting Justice of the
Peace for
Anderson County
We do certify that we are well acquainted with Alexander Wiley who has sworn and subscribed to the above declaration. That we believe him to be of the age of seventy eight years and that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of September 1832.
John Chiles (signed)
Acting Justice of the peace for Anderson County
Robert Galbraith (signed)
William Gamble (signed)
State of Tennessee
Anderson County
This day personally appeared before me John Chiles one of the acting Justices of the peace for said County James Noel and made the following certificate viz I do certify that I was raised in the immediate neighborhood where Alexander Wiley who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration resided in the time of the Revolutionary war and have often heard him spoken of by his old neighbors and contemporaries in the army as having been a soldier of the revolution that I have been intimately aquainted with him for the last sixteen years and often heard him speak of having been soldier of the revolution and his accounts have always appeared consistant and uniform and that I believe him to be of the age of seventy eight years and of good moral carater and full credit should be given to his statements. Sworn and subscribed before me the 8th day of September 1832
James Noel (signed)
John Chiles (signed)
acting Justice of the peace for
Anderson County
State of Tennessee
Anderson County
This day personally appeared before me John Chiles one of the acting Justices of peace for said County the above named applicant Alexander Wiley and in order to amend the foregoing declaration made oath that he has no documentary evidence of his service as a soldier of the revolutionary war and that he knows of no living witness by whom he can prove the said service and that he has adduced all the testimony that is his power that he has no record of his age but has learned from his mother that he was born in the state of Pennsylvania and County of Cumberland in year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty four
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of April in year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three.
John Chiles (signed)
Justice of the peace
State of Tennessee
Anderson County
I John Chiles one of the acting Justices of the peace before whom the foregoing declaration was made to certify that at the time the said declaration was made there was no seal of Office in this County but since that time the court has procured a seal of office. April the 26th 1833
John Chiles JP (signed)
State of Tennessee
Anderson County
I Hugh Barton Clerk of please and quarter sessions in and for for said County do hereby certify that John Chiles before whom the foregoing amended Pention declaration of Alexander Wiley was made is an acting Justice of the court of Peas and quarter sessions ind for said County duly commitioned and sworn as such and that full faith and credit is due and aught to be given to all his official acts and that the above signature perports to his is his Jenuine signature and that the orginal declaration referred to in this amendment and hereto annexed is genuine and I hugh Barton who certified the original declaration and was and am yet clerk of the aforesaid court and that I had at that time no public seal but have since procured a seal of office down at in Clinton this 29th day of April 1833
Hugh Barton (signed)
Clerk of Anderson
State of Tennessee, Knox County
Be it known, that before me Zac Boothe a Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid, personally appeared Martha Wiley widow and relic of Alexander Wiley and made oath in due form of law, that she is the identical Martha Wiley widow & relic of Alexander Wiley named in an original certificate in her possession, ----- of which I certify the following is a true copy:
War Department
Revolutionary Claim
I certify, that in conformity with the Law of the United States of the 7th June 1832, Alexander Wiley of the State of Tennessee, who was a private of Infantry in the Army of the Revolution is entitled to receive Thirty one dollars and sixty six cents per annum during his natural life, commencing on the 4th of March 1831, and payable semi-annually on the 4th of March and 4th of September in every year.
Given at the War Office of the United States, this 26th day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirty three.
Examined and
J. L. Edwards Commissioner of Pensions
John Robb
Acting Secretary of War
That she is entitled to a pension of Thirty one and 66/100 Dollars per annum on account of wounds and disabilities received, or of services rendered to the United States by her late husband during the Revolutionary War; that he served Captain __________ in company of ___________ in the _________ regiment; that he resided at his death in Anderson County Tenn and had resided there for the space of one year past; and that pervious thereto, he resided in Roane County Tennessee.
Sworn and subscribed this 30th day of August 1833 before me.
Zac Boothe (signed)
Justice Peace for Knox County
Martha Wiley (her mark)
widow and relict of Alexander Wiley decd
State of Tennessee Circuit Court August term 1833
Anderson County
Personally appeared in open court James Nowell and Elizabeth Nowell who upon their oaths say that Martha Wiley who is named in the within certificate is the Identical Widow and Relic of Alexander Wiley deceased who was a Pensioner of the U.S. and that he departed this life in this County on the 24th day of July last, and ordered by the Court to be certified. Given under my hand & _____ seal this 29th August 1833 at office in Clinton---
C J Crozier Clk (signed)
$75.56 Agent's Office
Knoxville, East Tennessee August 30, 1833
Received of Robert King, Pension Agent for East Tennessee,
Seventy five and 56/100 Dollars, being for Thirty one Dollars & sixty six cents per annum pension due to Alexdr. Wiley Dec. from the 4th day of March 1831 to the 24th day of July 1833 ____ the day he died for which I have signed duplicate receipts.
Witness: Joseph L. King (signed)
Martha Wiley (her mark)
widow & relict of Alexd Wiley decd
*Documents transcribed exactly as written, preserving original spelling and punctuation
For ideas, additions, or corrections, e-mail Mary Wiley Campbell at
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